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create lasting memories and add customer experience

Drag them in by their noses

Scent receptors in the nose connect directly to the section of the brain that is responsible for memory and emotion.


Scent Marketing, or the use of appropriate scents & aromas can result in extremely good results in terms of promotion and marketing for restaurants and cafes. Studies have shown that the use of custom Café scents & aromas can increase food sales - up to 300%!


The food industry is very competitive, and in the fight to rise above the rest, out-of-the- box ideas are necessary. It is no longer enough to capture carefully curated pictures of your food or digital advertising — now, sales and marketing efforts have extended to the olfactory system and Scent Marketing.

Scent Marketing is becoming a strategic tool for restaurants who want to improve brand recognition and sales. The appeal to smell over visuals or audible marketing is undetected by most customers, but it’s highly effective in creating a food-friendly mood.



What are the benefits of Scent Marketing?


• Established a long lasting connection with customers.


• Make their visit a memorable experience they will want to relive.


• Increased sales revenue.

• Create the perfect ambiance for your customers, and differentiate your restaurant for your competitors.

• Scenting helps to eliminate or neutralise unpleasant odours.

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