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Imprint in guest mind and play on memory


Aroma provides the most emotionally relevant experiential dimension to an interior environment. Hotels which incorporate scent as a part of their hotel marketing have seen amazing results. Pure, unique and high quality fragrance oils create a luxurious atmosphere and ensures a unique and distinctive impression.

Scent diffused in all common areas become your Signature Scent and makes people remember you. It enhances guest loyalty across the world.

AURA AROMA can help you use scent which has the ability to directly influence how your hotel or leisure space is perceived and remembered. Creating unique guest experiences is a key trend for hotel and leisure venues.

From the moment your guests arrive help them feel that their experience is special and memorable. Choose from one of our Signature Scents or create your very own Bespoke Fragrance for the perfect ambience and a powerful impression of your brand with guests.

What are the benefits of Scent Marketing?

• Adds to customers experience.

• A Hotel scent can enhance the positive factors of happiness, sensuality, relaxation and stimulation.

• The power of scent drives loyalty and guests will return to your hotel or leisure venue. Guests will remember your brand by its signature fragrance long after their visit. More loyal guests and better online reviews.

• Your signature scent can be seen as your commitment to cleanliness with the intuitive cue of a fresh scent.

• Differentiate communal areas by creating an inviting space.

• Using scent to increase the perceived value of your venue giving a luxurious ambient setting.

• Cancels out unpleasant odours.

• Stimulates the right emotions.

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